Time Strategies: A Life Skill

Ah...time management! In all honesty, I am either really good at time management or really bad at time management and there is absolutely no in-between. In general though, I aim to meet deadlines, and sadly that usually means working right up to the deadline. This is definitely something that I would like to get better at! Like it mentions in the article, The Important Habit of Just Starting, my biggest issue is "just starting". Once I get going, I always feel much better... like a weight of stress has been lifted off of my shoulders! I really liked what that article had to say. One, it was really good to know that other people deal with the same issue, and two, I really liked the advice that was given on how to overcome this fear "starting". I also read How to Build a Realistic Study Plan. A lot of this article included stuff that I already knew how to do, but it was good to read as a reminder to actually do what it said. A lot of times when it comes to time management, it's not so much that I don't know how to do it, it's that I just don't do it. My goal for this semester is to get much better at time management, so that I will not be as stressed as I enter the next chapter of my life!

Maybe incorporating brighter colors into my study time, like this pink hourglass, would help me be more motivated to do my work!
