Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall, I am pleased with how my blog and website are coming along. I am most proud of myself for figuring out how to navigate the technology aspects of this course, because that is not something that I am good at by any means. I also am really pleased with the images that I have found. I think all of my blog colors coordinate well with each other, which is really exciting! One thing I did notice though, is that my "Storybook Plan" post did not have an image to go with it, and I am not sure why...I need to fix that. I am also fairly please with my stories throughout the semester. My favorite one that I've written is the one about the Ramayana re-envisioned as a season of The Bachelor. I think my reading notes work really well in terms of giving me plot inspiration and understanding my characters better, especially when it comes to writing my stories for my storybook. I do think I could include more details in my notes about descriptions of settings, so as to make my writing more entertaining in regards to the senses. Overall, in terms of looking forward, I think planning ahead is key to making sure that I produce the best work that I can.

I really love this image from the Wikipedia commons titled, "The Ordeal of Queen Draupadi" by Warwick Goble, 1913. It is an image of the scene when Dussasana is trying to disrobe Draupadi, but he fails to when she asks for a miracle from God. I like the bright colors and the art deco vibe!
